The Scarlet Plague

Jack London

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Beschreibung zu „The Scarlet Plague“

THE way led along upon what had once been the embankment of a railroad. But no train had run upon it for many years. The forest on either side swelled up the slopes of the embankment and crested across it in a green wave of trees and bushes. The trail was as narrow as a man's body, and was no more than a wild-animal runway. Occasionally, a piece of rusty iron, showing through the forest-mould, advertised that the rail and the ties still remained. In one place, a ten-inch tree, bursting through at a connection, had lifted the end of a rail clearly into view. The tie had evidently followed the rail, held to it by the spike long enough for its bed to be filled with gravel and rotten leaves, so that now the crumbling, rotten timber thrust itself up at a curious slant. Old as the road was, it was manifest that it had been of the mono-rail type.
An old man and a boy travelled along this runway. They moved slowly, for the old man was very old, a touch of palsy made his movements tremulous, and he leaned heavily upon his staff. A rude skull-cap of goat-skin protected his head from the sun. From beneath this fell a scant fringe of stained and dirty-white hair. A visor, ingeniously made from a large leaf, shielded his eyes, and from under this he peered at the way of his feet on the trail. His beard, which should have been snow-white but which showed the same weather-wear and camp-stain as his hair, fell nearly to his waist in a great tangled mass. About his chest and shoulders hung a single, mangy garment of goat-skin. His arms and legs, withered and skinny, betokened extreme age, as well as did their sunburn and scars and scratches betoken long years of exposure to the elements.

Über Jack London

Jack London nació en San Francisco en 1876, hijo ilegítimo de un astrólogo ambulante que pronto los abandonaría a él y a su madre, una joven «huida» de una acomodada familia de Ohio. Poco después de dar a luz, la madre se casó con John London, carpintero y vigilante jurado entre otros oficios, de quien el hijo tomaría el apellido. Jack dejó el colegio a los trece años, y desde entonces hasta los veintisiete, edad en la que se consagraría como escritor, su juventud fue inquieta y agitada: sus biógrafos y él mismo convertirían en leyenda sus múltiples trabajos y vagabundeos, de ladrón de ostras a buscador de oro en Alaska, así como su visionaria vocación política, formalizada con su ingreso en 1896 en el Partido Socialista de los Tra-bajadores. En 1903 publicó un reportaje sobre el proletariado del East End londinense, Gente del abismo, y La llamada de la selva, que le lanzó a la fama. Su experiencia marinera fue la base de El lobo de mar (1904), otro gran éxito, y a partir de entonces publicó asiduamente narrativa y ensayos, pronunció conferencias por todo el mundo y emprendió nuevos viajes. De uno de ellos nació un ciclo sobre los Mares del Sur, al que pertenecen los cuentos de La casa del orgullo (1909; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. ). Son de especial interés sus textos autobiográficos, la novela Martin Eden (1909) y las «memorias alcohólicas» de John Barleycorn (1913). London murió de una sobredosis de morfina y atropina en su rancho californiano, en 1916.


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