The Scarlet Plague

Jack London


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Beschreibung zu „The Scarlet Plague“

The Scarlet Plague is a post-apocalyptic fiction novel written by Jack London and originally published in London Magazine in 1912. The story takes place in 2073, sixty years after an uncontrollable epidemic, the Red Death, has depopulated the planet. James Howard Smith is one of the few survivors of the pre-plague era left alive in the San Francisco area, and he travels with his grandsons Edwin, Hoo-Hoo, and Hare-Lip. His grandsons are "savage" and live as primeval hunter-gatherers in a heavily depopulated world. Their intellect is limited, as are their language abilities. Edwin asks Smith, whom they call "Granser", to tell them of the disease alternately referred to as scarlet plague, scarlet death, or red death. Smith recounts the story of his life before the plague, when he was an English professor. In 2013, the year after "Morgan the Fifth was appointed President of the United States by the Board of Magnates", the disease came about and spread rapidly. Sufferers would turn scarlet, particularly on the face, and become numb in their lower extremities. Victims usually died within 30 minutes of first seeing symptoms. Despite the public's trust in doctors and scientists, no cure is found, and those who attempted to do so were also killed by the disease. The grandsons question Smith's belief in "germs" causing the illness because they cannot be seen. Smith witnesses his first victim of the scarlet plague while teaching when a young woman's face turns scarlet. She dies quickly, and a panic soon overtakes the campus. He returns home but his family refuses to join him because they fear he is infected. Soon, an epidemic overtakes the area and residents begin rioting and killing one another. Smith meets with colleagues at his college's chemistry building, where they hope to wait out the problem. They soon realize they must move elsewhere for safety and begin trekking northward.

Über Jack London

Jack London nació en San Francisco en 1876, hijo ilegítimo de un astrólogo ambulante que pronto los abandonaría a él y a su madre, una joven «huida» de una acomodada familia de Ohio. Poco después de dar a luz, la madre se casó con John London, carpintero y vigilante jurado entre otros oficios, de quien el hijo tomaría el apellido. Jack dejó el colegio a los trece años, y desde entonces hasta los veintisiete, edad en la que se consagraría como escritor, su juventud fue inquieta y agitada: sus biógrafos y él mismo convertirían en leyenda sus múltiples trabajos y vagabundeos, de ladrón de ostras a buscador de oro en Alaska, así como su visionaria vocación política, formalizada con su ingreso en 1896 en el Partido Socialista de los Tra-bajadores. En 1903 publicó un reportaje sobre el proletariado del East End londinense, Gente del abismo, y La llamada de la selva, que le lanzó a la fama. Su experiencia marinera fue la base de El lobo de mar (1904), otro gran éxito, y a partir de entonces publicó asiduamente narrativa y ensayos, pronunció conferencias por todo el mundo y emprendió nuevos viajes. De uno de ellos nació un ciclo sobre los Mares del Sur, al que pertenecen los cuentos de La casa del orgullo (1909; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. ). Son de especial interés sus textos autobiográficos, la novela Martin Eden (1909) y las «memorias alcohólicas» de John Barleycorn (1913). London murió de una sobredosis de morfina y atropina en su rancho californiano, en 1916.


Sheba Blake Publishing




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