Constitution of the Soviet Union

J. V. Stalin

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Beschreibung zu „Constitution of the Soviet Union“

In the 'Constitution of the Soviet Union,' J. V. Stalin critically examines the foundational principles and structure of the Soviet political system. Written in a straightforward and authoritative style, this text serves as a comprehensive guide to the legal framework that governed the USSR. Stalin delves into the rights and obligations of citizens, the role of the Communist Party, and the power dynamics within the government. This work is essential for understanding the complexities of Soviet governance and the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, making it a valuable resource for scholars of political science and history. J. V. Stalin, a key figure in Soviet history, was uniquely positioned to draft the Soviet Constitution. As the leader of the Communist Party and the head of the Soviet government, Stalin played a pivotal role in shaping the political landscape of the USSR. His expertise in Marxist theory and practical governance informs the content of this seminal text. I highly recommend 'Constitution of the Soviet Union' to readers interested in Soviet history, political theory, and the evolution of socialist states. This book provides invaluable insights into the ideological foundations and legal structure of one of the 20th century's most influential nations.


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