Classic Crime Stories


J. S. Fletcher

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Beschreibung zu „Classic Crime Stories“

Of the many thousands of utterly ordinary-looking individuals who journeyed into the city from various suburban retreats every workday morning Limmis was, by a long way, the most ordinary and least likely to attract attention. He was the sort of young man whom no one would have ever troubled to look at twice. If you happened to look at Limmis once you knew—if you really happened to think about the thing at all—that you could see his like a hundred times in the next half mile of crowded street. He was inconspicuous, colourless, common—as common as peas or potatoes...
I Against Time
II The Earl, the Warder and the Wayward Heiress
III The Fifteenth-Century Crozier
IV The Yellow Dog
V Room 53
VI The Secret of the Barbican
VII The Silhouette
VIII Blind Gap Moor
IX St. Morkil’s Isle
X Extra-Judicial
XI The Second Capsule
XII The Way to Jericho
XIII Patent No. 33
XIV The Selchester Missal
XV The Murder in the Mayor’s Parlour






ca. 284





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