The Historical Jesus: A Survey of Positions

J. M. Robertson

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Beschreibung zu „The Historical Jesus: A Survey of Positions“

In his seminal work, 'The Historical Jesus: A Survey of Positions', J. M. Robertson delves into the various historical accounts and interpretations surrounding the figure of Jesus. Through meticulous research and scholarly analysis, Robertson skillfully navigates through the diverse viewpoints and theories put forth by historians, theologians, and biblical scholars. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the debates and controversies surrounding the historical Jesus, shedding light on the complexities of interpreting ancient texts and historical evidence. Robertson's writing style is clear and concise, making the complex subject matter accessible to readers seeking a deeper understanding of the historical context of Jesus. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring the diverse perspectives on the life and teachings of Jesus. J. M. Robertson's expertise in the field of history and religion shines through in this insightful and thought-provoking exploration of the historical Jesus.


Good Press




ca. 178





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