The Girl In The Water - A completely gripping, page-turning psychological thriller from J.A. Baker for 2023 (Unabridged)

J A Baker

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „The Girl In The Water - A completely gripping, page-turning psychological thriller from J.A. Baker for 2023 (Unabridged)“

An unmissable psychological thriller from bestselling author J.A. Baker.

When Phoebe and her disabled husband, Martyn, move into a new house in a quiet village, they plan to lead a quiet existence, to keep themselves to themselves. It's safer that way.
But their new neighbour Anna is bored of spending her days alone. She seeks friendship with Phoebe - even though she knows there is something strange about the new couple. What is Phoebe hiding and why are she and her husband so reclusive?
Phoebe makes it clear to Anna that she doesn't want her friendship, that it's safer for Anna to stay away. Haunted by her past, Phoebe fears that Anna's arrival in her life may prove to be the catalyst for her undoing.
Then Anna gets caught in a storm and is thrown into the river. As the waters rise, she is rescued by Phoebe...and that's when the truth about her new friend surfaces with deadly results.

J.A. Baker is the best-selling author of Local Girl Missing, The Last wife and The Woman in the Woods.

What people are saying about J.A. Baker...
'Superbly written with a cast of crazy characters who will make you look differently at your co-workers from now on.' Bestselling author Valerie Keogh
'Fast-paced, riveting thriller. Gripped until the last page!' Bestselling author Diana Wilkinson
'A twisty, creepy story expertly told. Perfect for reading on dark winter evenings...with the doors double-locked and bolted. Highly recommended!' Bestselling author Amanda James

Please Note, this book was previously published as Undercurrent

Gelesen von:

Melanie Crawley


Boldwood Books




10 Std. 8 Min.





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