
Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov

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Beschreibung zu „Oblomov“

Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov's novel 'Oblomov' is a seminal work in Russian literature, depicting the themes of sloth and indecision in a changing society. The protagonist, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, embodies the lethargy and apathy of the upper classes in 19th century Russia, making a powerful statement about the consequences of such a lifestyle. Goncharov's writing style is characterized by its detailed psychological insight and social commentary, placing 'Oblomov' firmly in the tradition of Russian realism. The novel's languid pace mirrors Oblomov's own inertia, drawing the reader into his world of procrastination and missed opportunities.Overall, 'Oblomov' is a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition and a scathing critique of societal norms. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov's background as a civil servant and his observations of Russian society undoubtedly influenced his creation of Oblomov, shedding light on the author's motivations for writing such a poignant novel. I highly recommend 'Oblomov' to readers interested in Russian literature, social commentary, and the complexities of human nature.


Good Press




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