Correlated courses in woodwork and mechanical drawing

Ira Samuel Griffith

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Beschreibung zu „Correlated courses in woodwork and mechanical drawing“

Ira Samuel Griffith's book 'Correlated courses in Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing' is a comprehensive guide that explores the intersection of these two disciplines, providing practical insights for both woodworkers and draftsmen. The book delves into the fundamentals of woodworking, offering detailed instructions on techniques such as joinery and furniture construction. It also emphasizes the importance of incorporating mechanical drawing principles into woodworking projects, highlighting the synergies between the two fields. Griffith's writing is clear and instructive, making this book a valuable resource for students and professionals alike in either discipline. The book is a reflection of Griffith's extensive experience as an educator in both woodworking and mechanical drawing, showcasing his expertise in these areas. His passion for both subjects is evident throughout the book, as he seamlessly combines theoretical knowledge with practical application. I highly recommend 'Correlated courses in Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing' to anyone interested in expanding their skills in woodworking and mechanical drawing, as it offers a unique and insightful perspective on the relationship between these two disciplines.


Good Press




ca. 119





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