Triads of Britain

Iolo Morganwg

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Beschreibung zu „Triads of Britain“

Iolo Morganwgs 'Triads of Britain' is a fascinating exploration of Welsh literature, compiling a collection of triads which are a unique form of verse found in medieval Welsh manuscripts. The triads highlight important themes, moral lessons, and historical events in groups of three, providing readers with insight into the culture and values of ancient Britain. The book is written in a poetic style, showcasing Morganwgs love for Welsh poetry and his deep understanding of traditional Welsh literature. This work is essential for anyone interested in Welsh history, literature, or language, as it offers a glimpse into the rich storytelling tradition of Wales. Morganwgs meticulous research and passion for his subject shine through in every triad, making this book a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts alike. 'Triads of Britain' is a must-read for those seeking to delve deeper into the world of Welsh poetry and uncover hidden gems of literary history.


Good Press




ca. 34





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