The Digital Notebook: OneNote in Windows and Office, with introduction to Class Notebook

Ina Koys

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Beschreibung zu „The Digital Notebook: OneNote in Windows and Office, with introduction to Class Notebook“

To keep information snippets in a notebook that can't be lost, that always stays up to date, that does not get dog-ears, can reach any size and takes texts, pictures, videos and sounds, shares and finds them quickly - that would be great! You have such a notebook in Windows 10, but only few use it. If you want to make it communicate with Outlook, take Office OneNote to unfold the whole potential of co-operation. There are only two types of people: the ones who love OneNote and the others who do not know it yet. It's easy to learn. In this booklet you'll find all important topics. With a short introduction to Class Notebook, a special version for education purposes.


Ina Koys




ca. 28





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