Diary of a Shadowless Man: Part 3: Time Travels

Ilka Hoffmann

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Beschreibung zu „Diary of a Shadowless Man: Part 3: Time Travels“

About this book: After a failed action to prevent a war, Theo C. has to escape from his time and ends up in the year 2521. When he has to flee from there too, he finds himself in the year 1485. Will he withstand the challenges that the faraway times confront him with? And will he eventually find his way back to his "home time"? Also available as an ebook: Part 1: The Lost Shadow. After losing his shadow, Theo is met with mistrust everywhere. Pursued by representatives of the Shadow Investigation Agency, he procures a replacement shadow from an obscure shadow dealer. Part 2: Disciples of Darkness. In the mysterious world of the Disciples of Darkness, shadowlessness is not a flaw, but a path to self-awareness. Motto: "We want to shape the darkness ourselves instead of letting it shape us".






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