Intelligent Document Capture with Ephesoft

Learn to use open source software to automate the processing of scanned and digital documents to save time, save money, and improve accuracy with this book and ebook.

Michael Müller Ike Kavas Pat Myers Clifford Laurin Ephesoft

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Intelligent Document Capture with Ephesoft“

Ephesoft is an open source document capture solution. Everyone talks about the paperless work place but the reality is that paper still exists and will continue to be part of your business. Capturing the document's content using Ephesoft can minimize the time your company spends reviewing and processing physical documents."Intelligent Document Capture with Ephesoft" teaches you about document capture in general and implementation of document capture using Ephesoft. Start by learning about document capture, the history of document capture, and intelligent document capture. Progress to a tour of Ephesoft's key features, including operator and administrator interfaces and then learn to configure Ephesoft to process your business's specific document types and extract content from those documents. Finally, learn advanced customization techniques that make Ephesoft accommodate your unique business needs."Intelligent Document Capture with Ephesoft" will teach you to optimize the processing of your physical document, saving your company time and money.

Über Michael Müller

Jahr­gang 1953, ge­bo­ren in Eber­mann­stadt. Nach der Aus­bil­dung zum Kfz-Mecha­ni­ker zog es ihn für ei­ni­ge Jahre nach Neu­see­land und Ecua­dor. Dort be­geg­ne­te er dem Rei­se­jour­na­lis­ten Mar­tin Vel­bin­ger, mit dem er zu­sam­men in Süd­ame­ri­ka re­cher­chier­te - die Initi­al­zün­dung für die be­ruf­li­che Neu­ori­en­tie­rung, die 1979 in die Grün­dung des ei­ge­nen Ver­lags ein­mün­de­te.


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