The Last Million: How They Invaded France—and England

Ian Hay

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Beschreibung zu „The Last Million: How They Invaded France—and England“

In Ian Hay's historical work, 'The Last Million: How They Invaded Franceand England,' the readers are taken on a compelling journey through the events of World War II as experienced by the last remnants of the German army. Hay's narrative style is remarkably engaging, combining rigorous research with a vivid storytelling approach that brings the historical events to life. The book not only provides a detailed account of the battles and strategies employed by the Germans during their invasion, but also delves into the personal stories of the soldiers involved, offering a multifaceted perspective on the impact of war. Written in a clear and accessible manner, 'The Last Million' is a valuable contribution to the literature on World War II, highlighting the human aspect of conflict and the personal sacrifices made by soldiers on both sides. Ian Hay's background as a military historian and his deep understanding of the subject matter shine through in this meticulously researched and thought-provoking book. Overall, 'The Last Million' is a must-read for those interested in history, military strategy, and the human experience during wartime.


Good Press




ca. 156





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