Dynamite Stories, and Some Interesting Facts About Explosives

Hudson Maxim

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Beschreibung zu „Dynamite Stories, and Some Interesting Facts About Explosives“

Hudson Maxim's 'Dynamite Stories, and Some Interesting Facts About Explosives' is a captivating exploration of the role of dynamite in various industries, as well as a detailed account of the science and history of explosives. Written in a straightforward and informative style, Maxim delves into the practical applications and dangers of dynamite, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its significance in the modern world. This book is a valuable resource for those interested in the intersection of science, technology, and society. Maxim's thorough research and engaging storytelling make this book a must-read for anyone curious about the explosive materials used in various fields. The author's expertise in the field of explosives, combined with his accessible writing style, makes 'Dynamite Stories, and Some Interesting Facts About Explosives' an essential read for students and professionals alike.


Good Press




ca. 104





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