The Afghan War of 1879-80

Unveiling the British-Afghan Conflict of the 19th Century

Howard Hensman

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Beschreibung zu „The Afghan War of 1879-80“

Howard Hensman's 'The Afghan War of 1879-80' is a meticulously researched scholarly work that delves into the intricacies of the conflict between British forces and Afghan tribes during the late 19th century. Hensman's writing style is engaging yet authoritative, providing readers with a deep insight into the political, social, and military aspects of the war. Drawing on a wide range of primary sources, Hensman offers a comprehensive analysis of the events leading up to and following the war, shedding light on the impact it had on both the British Empire and Afghanistan. This book is a must-read for history enthusiasts interested in British colonial history and military campaigns of the 19th century. Howard Hensman, a renowned historian specializing in British imperial history and military conflicts, brings his expertise to the forefront in 'The Afghan War of 1879-80.' With a keen eye for detail and a thorough understanding of the geopolitical dynamics of the time, Hensman offers a nuanced perspective on a lesser-known yet significant chapter in British military history. Readers will appreciate Hensman's rigorous approach to historical research and his ability to present complex information in a clear and accessible manner. I highly recommend 'The Afghan War of 1879-80' to anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the British Empire's military engagements in the 19th century.


Good Press




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