Liversidge v Anderson

House of Lords

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Beschreibung zu „Liversidge v Anderson“

In 'Liversidge v Anderson' by House of Lords, the reader is presented with a riveting legal case that delves into issues of civil liberties and government power. Written in a concise and authoritative tone, the book showcases the House of Lords' meticulous examination of the case, offering a thorough analysis of the legal arguments presented. The literary style is characterized by precise legal language and logical reasoning, making it an essential read for those interested in constitutional law and human rights. The context of the case within the legal system adds depth to the narrative, highlighting the complexities of balancing individual rights with national security. House of Lords skilfully navigates through the nuances of the case, providing readers with a compelling insight into the judicial process and the implications of legal decisions. A must-read for legal scholars and anyone interested in the intersection of law and governance, 'Liversidge v Anderson' offers a thought-provoking exploration of fundamental rights and the role of the judiciary in upholding them.


Good Press




ca. 81





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