Brave and Bold

Horatio Alger

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Beschreibung zu „Brave and Bold“

Horatio Alger's 'Brave and Bold' is a novel that delves into the themes of determination, perseverance, and the triumph of the human spirit. Set in the late 19th century, the book follows the journey of a young protagonist who overcomes adversity through hard work and moral integrity. Alger's writing style is characterized by its simple yet impactful prose, providing readers with a compelling narrative that resonates with timeless virtues. In the literary context of the time, Alger's works were emblematic of the American Dream and the belief that anyone can achieve success through effort and virtue. 'Brave and Bold' is a classic example of Alger's uplifting and moralistic storytelling. Horatio Alger, a renowned 19th-century author, drew inspiration from his own experiences and observations of society's underprivileged youth. His background as a minister further influenced his moralistic approach to writing, aiming to instill values of hard work and honesty in his readers. Readers who enjoy stories of triumph over adversity and moral growth would find 'Brave and Bold' to be a captivating and inspiring read, highlighting the importance of perseverance and goodness in achieving success.


Good Press




ca. 170





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