What Love Costs an Old Man

de Balzac, Honoré

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Beschreibung zu „What Love Costs an Old Man“

Honore de Balzac's 'What Love Costs an Old Man' delves deep into the complexities of love and its consequences on an aging individual. Set in early 19th century France, this book showcases Balzac's signature realist style, vividly portraying the emotional turmoil and societal expectations surrounding love and relationships. Through rich character development and intricate plot twists, Balzac presents a poignant narrative that resonates with readers of all generations. Balzac's keen observations of human nature shine through in this work, making it a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences worldwide. 'What Love Costs an Old Man' is a remarkable exploration of the power of love and its impact on the individual's psyche, making it a must-read for fans of psychological literature and literary enthusiasts alike.


Good Press




ca. 143





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