The Brotherhood of Consolation

de Balzac, Honoré

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Beschreibung zu „The Brotherhood of Consolation“

In Honoré de Balzac's novel "The Brotherhood of Consolation," readers are transported to post-revolutionary France where the intricacies of society and human relationships take center stage. Written in Balzac's signature realist style, the novel delves into the lives of a diverse cast of characters who are all connected by the theme of seeking solace and comfort in a rapidly changing world. The rich and detailed descriptions of both the physical settings and the psychological landscapes of the characters add depth and complexity to the narrative, making it a compelling read for those interested in 19th-century French literature. Balzac's keen observations of human nature shine through in the interactions and conflicts that arise among the characters, showcasing his deep understanding of the human condition. Through his exploration of loyalty, betrayal, and redemption, Balzac weaves a captivating tale that resonates with readers long after the final page is turned. Fans of classic literature and those intrigued by the complexities of human relationships will find "The Brotherhood of Consolation" a must-read novel that offers both entertainment and insight into the human experience.


Good Press




ca. 222





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