Up the Street

Holworthy Hall

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Beschreibung zu „Up the Street“

Holworthy Hall's 'Up the Street' delves into the lives of ordinary Americans living in a small town and explores their struggles with societal expectations, personal relationships, and self-discovery. The book employs a straightforward and realistic literary style, capturing the essence of everyday life in a touching and relatable manner. Set in the early 20th century, the novel offers a glimpse into the social norms and values of the time, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the era. Hall's narrative skillfully weaves together the parallel stories of diverse characters, creating a rich tapestry of human experiences that resonate with readers. Through its vivid descriptions and heartfelt emotions, 'Up the Street' offers a poignant reflection on the human condition and the complexities of human relationships. Holworthy Hall, a pseudonym for two authors, draws upon their own experiences and observations to create a compelling story that resonates with readers of all backgrounds. Their keen insight into the human psyche and their ability to craft authentic characters make 'Up the Street' a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of human nature and the intricacies of interpersonal relationships.


Good Press




ca. 31





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