Seeing Things at Night

Heywood Broun

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Beschreibung zu „Seeing Things at Night“

Heywood Broun's 'Seeing Things at Night' is a profound collection of short stories that delve into the complexities of human nature and the often blurry line between reality and imagination. Broun's masterful use of vivid imagery and thought-provoking themes place this book within the realm of literary realism, while also incorporating elements of surrealism, making it a unique and captivating read for those who enjoy exploring the depths of the human psyche. The interconnected stories are beautifully crafted, each revealing a new layer of meaning and inviting readers to ponder the profound concepts presented. Broun's writing style is both poetic and thought-provoking, drawing readers in with its lyrical prose and compelling narratives. 'Seeing Things at Night' is a masterpiece that challenges conventional storytelling and offers a fresh perspective on the complexities of human experience. Heywood Broun's background as a journalist and social commentator undoubtedly influenced the thought-provoking themes and social commentary present in this collection. His keen observation of human behavior and societal issues shines through in each story, adding depth and relevance to the narratives. I recommend 'Seeing Things at Night' to readers who appreciate thought-provoking literature that challenges the status quo and offers a unique glimpse into the human psyche.


Good Press




ca. 184





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