Popular Superstitions, and the Truths Contained Therein

With an Account of Mesmerism

Herbert Mayo

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Beschreibung zu „Popular Superstitions, and the Truths Contained Therein“

In 'Popular Superstitions, and the Truths Contained Therein' by Herbert Mayo, the author delves into the fascinating world of folklore and superstitions, dissecting popular beliefs and revealing the underlying truths they may hold. Through a combination of historical analysis and cultural examination, Mayo presents a scholarly yet accessible exploration of superstitions and their significance in society. The book is written in a clear and informative style, making it an engaging read for both academics and general readers interested in the intersection of belief and culture in the modern world. With references to ancient myths, modern urban legends, and everything in between, Mayo guides readers through a thought-provoking journey of discovery and enlightenment. Herbert Mayo, a renowned scholar in the field of folklore and cultural studies, brings his expertise to this illuminating work on superstitions and their deeper meanings. His in-depth research and keen insights allow readers to gain a new perspective on the enduring influence of superstitions in everyday life. I highly recommend 'Popular Superstitions, and the Truths Contained Therein' to anyone seeking a comprehensive and thought-provoking exploration of belief systems and cultural practices.


Good Press




ca. 216





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