The Time Machine

Herbert George Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The Time Machine“

Herbert George Wells' 'The Time Machine' is a groundbreaking work of science fiction that explores themes of time travel, evolution, and the inevitable fate of humanity. Written in a fast-paced and engaging style, Wells crafts a narrative that challenges readers to ponder the consequences of technological advancement and societal divisions. Set in Victorian England, the novel reflects the anxieties and curiosities of the era, while also offering a glimpse into a distant and fantastical future. The Time Machine is not just a thrilling adventure story, but a profound reflection on the nature of humanity and the universe. H.G. Wells, a visionary author known for his innovations in the science fiction genre, drew inspiration from contemporary scientific theories and social issues to create The Time Machine. Wells' background in biology and sociology informs his exploration of evolutionary concepts and the complexities of human civilization. His thought-provoking and imaginative writing continues to captivate readers and inspire future generations of science fiction writers. I highly recommend 'The Time Machine' to readers interested in timeless science fiction classics that blend adventure with thought-provoking themes. Wells' novel offers a unique perspective on the nature of time and humanity, making it a must-read for anyone intrigued by the possibilities of the future.

Über Herbert George Wells

H.-G.-Wells. war ein englischer Schriftsteller und Pionier der Science-Fiction-Literatur. Wells, der auch Historiker und Soziologe war, hatte seinen größten Erfolg mit Der Krieg der Welten Das Buch wurde 1898 veröffentlicht, die deutsche Übersetzung von Gottlieb August Crüwell erschien 1901. Berühmt wurde Krieg der Welten durch die Hörspielfassung von Orson Welles 1938 in den Vereinigten Staaten, diese rief eine Panik hervor. "Noch heute zehren die Verfasser primitiver Fernsehserien und Gruselfilme von Wells' menschenfeindlichen Invasoren aus dem All ..."


Good Press




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