Crozet's Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand the Ladrone Islands, and the Philippines


Henry Ling Roth

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Beschreibung zu „Crozet's Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand the Ladrone Islands, and the Philippines“

Henry Ling Roth's 'Crozet's Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand the Ladrone Islands, and the Philippines' is a captivating historical account of explorer Julien Crozet's expeditions to these far-flung lands during the 18th century. Roth meticulously details the encounters with indigenous peoples, the geography, and the flora and fauna of the regions, providing a vivid picture of the unknown territories at the time. Written in a straightforward and informative style, the book serves as a valuable primary source for understanding the early exploration and colonization of the Pacific. The inclusion of Crozet's original journals and illustrations further enrich the reader's experience. Roth's scholarly approach to compiling and analyzing these accounts ensures accuracy and reliability in the narration of events. As a pioneering work of travel literature, the book offers insights into European perceptions of the 'exotic' lands and peoples they encountered during the Age of Discovery. Readers interested in maritime history, anthropology, and colonial studies will find this book both enlightening and engaging.


Good Press




ca. 160





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