The Weird Orient: Nine Mystic Tales

Henry Iliowizi

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Beschreibung zu „The Weird Orient: Nine Mystic Tales“

Henry Iliowizi's 'The Weird Orient: Nine Mystic Tales' is a collection of intricately woven stories set in the enigmatic world of the Orient, exploring themes of mysticism, culture, and the supernatural. With a lyrical and descriptive writing style, Iliowizi paints vivid scenes that transport the reader to distant lands and mysterious realms, captivating them with tales of ancient magic and mystical encounters. Drawing inspiration from Eastern folklore and traditions, each story in this collection offers a unique glimpse into the unknown, inviting readers to delve into a realm of wonder and intrigue. This book is a must-read for fans of speculative fiction and those seeking a captivating journey through the strange and mystical.'The Weird Orient: Nine Mystic Tales' showcases Henry Iliowizi's deep understanding and appreciation of Eastern culture and mythology, making it a compelling read for those interested in exploring the intersections of the real and the fantastical.


Good Press




ca. 180





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