Progress and Poverty, Volumes I and II

An Inquiry into the Cause of Industrial Depressions and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth

Henry George

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Beschreibung zu „Progress and Poverty, Volumes I and II“

In 'Progress and Poverty, Volumes I and II', Henry George delves into the pressing issues of economic inequality, advocating for a single tax on land as a solution. His writing style is scholarly and persuasive, drawing on economic theory and social commentary to present a comprehensive argument. Published in 1879, this book was groundbreaking in its time, sparking debates on wealth distribution and political economy. George's work challenges conventional economic thinking and offers a fresh perspective on how to address poverty in society. His passionate prose and well-reasoned analysis make 'Progress and Poverty' a timeless classic in the field of economics. Henry George's background as a political economist and social reformer influenced his writing, driving him to explore alternative economic systems to achieve greater social justice. His dedication to understanding the root causes of poverty shines through in this seminal work, making it essential reading for anyone interested in economic and social reform. I highly recommend 'Progress and Poverty' to readers seeking a thought-provoking analysis of wealth inequality and its implications for society.

Über Henry George

Henry George: September 2, 1839 - October 29, 1897. American economist and social reformer, best known for his Progress and Poverty (1879). The question, why poverty exists in the midst of abundance tormented him. Assigned to New York in 1868, he was confronted with the monstrous wealth of that city, side by side with debasing want, and he proposed to seek the law, which associates poverty with progress, and increases want with advancing wealth. Major works: Progress and Poverty, Protection or Free Trade, Social Problems, The Condition of Labor, A perplexed Philosopher.


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