Progress and Poverty

Henry George

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Beschreibung zu „Progress and Poverty“

This is the book that made its author Henry George suddenly famous. From the year 1879 to the present the doctrines of 'Progress and Poverty' have been familiar to all who are interested in social problems. The book has been read by many to whom Political Economy is still 'the dismal science', and it has been circulated in cheap editions by the thousand among the classes to which it holds out such an alluring prospect. 'Progress and Poverty' has become a classic in labor literature. Its doctrines have been accepted not only by many who see in them a means of personal rescue from distress and want, but by many others who are convinced by the reasoning of the author. Clergymen , in the Catholic as well as in the Protestant church, have become Mr. George's disciples, and business and professional men have gladly sat at his feet.

Über Henry George

Henry George: September 2, 1839 - October 29, 1897. American economist and social reformer, best known for his Progress and Poverty (1879). The question, why poverty exists in the midst of abundance tormented him. Assigned to New York in 1868, he was confronted with the monstrous wealth of that city, side by side with debasing want, and he proposed to seek the law, which associates poverty with progress, and increases want with advancing wealth. Major works: Progress and Poverty, Protection or Free Trade, Social Problems, The Condition of Labor, A perplexed Philosopher.


Jazzybee Verlag




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