Blood Brothers - A Gritty, Unforgettable Gangland Thriller From Bestseller Heather Atkinson (Unabridged)

Heather Atkinson

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „Blood Brothers - A Gritty, Unforgettable Gangland Thriller From Bestseller Heather Atkinson (Unabridged)“

When you're running the streets, loyalty is everything...

Gangs rule the streets of the rough Gallowburn Estate in Glasgow, but the deepest rivalry of all is between Jamie Gray and his friends, known as the Blood Brothers, and their enemies, the Lawsons. The two gangs clash frequently, but when a phone containing incriminating evidence disappears after a particularly brutal run-in, the stakes are higher than ever.Jamie's mother Jackie is as hard as nails and is not going to let anyone hurt her boy - even if she has to roll up her sleeves and get stuck in. What she wants more than anything though, is to see Jamie turn his back on the street life. And when he meets spoilt rich-girl Allegra, who has a penchant for shoplifting, Jackie thinks she could be Jamie's way out. But with the Lawsons closing in, and everyone taking sides, there is only one way out for Jamie, and to triumph he must take out his biggest enemy...If you love Martina Cole, Kimberley Chambers, and Jessie Keane, you'll love Heather Atkinson. Discover the bestselling author Heather Atkinson, her crackling plots, unforgettable characters and page-turning pace and you'll never look back...

What readers are saying about Heather Atkinson:
'Another brilliant book from Heather...she really is one the best in the business.'
'I have read ALL Heather Atkinson's books. They are all fantastic.'
'All Heather's books are action packed and have you on edge.'
'I stumbled upon Heather's books and I'm so glad I did , characters excellent and storylines are great , I find myself searching the book stores for more of them to read the minute I finish one.'

Gelesen von:

Angus King


Boldwood Books




12 Std. 21 Min.





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