The Chakra System with the Minor Chakras

The Complex Structure and Simple Dynamics of the Entire Chakra System

Harry Eilenstein

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Beschreibung zu „The Chakra System with the Minor Chakras“

Best known are the seven main chakras: Root Chakra, Hara, Solar Plexus, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye and Crown Chakra. But they are not the only chakras - there are also, for example, the minor chakras in the arms and the legs.
Of particular interest are also the intermediate chakras between the main chakras, which limit their "lands" like borders with gates that can "pump" the life force from one chakra to another and play an important role in the formation and resolution of trauma.
The chakras are the "organs" of the life force body. Just as the physical body has a blood circulation, the life force body also has a "life force circulation": the Kundalini, which flows in the three central "veins" of the Sushumna and Ida and Pingala.
Furthermore, there is a special form of secondary chakras that transform the images in the chakras into "docking points" for the outside world: the kshetrams and the aura points. They correspond to the sense organs and the hands of the physical body.

In order to be able to grasp this complex system, which is nevertheless constructed in a very simple and coherent way, in all its details and in its great elegance, this book compares the knowledge of the chakras of different peoples, the acupuncture points of Chinese Medicine, the Marma points from Indian Ayurveda and the Rang-Dröl points from Tibetan Medicine.

The result of these considerations is the description of the meaningful attitude in life - after all, the chakras are also the "organs" of the psyche and their "healthy state" therefore is also the "healthy attitude" of a person.

Über Harry Eilenstein

Ich bin 1956 geboren und befasse mich nun seit 40 Jahren intensiv mit Magie, Religion, Meditation, Astrologie, Psychologie und verwandten Themen. Im Laufe der Zeit habe ich 30 Bücher und über fünfzig Artikel für "Unicorn", "Anubis", "Astrologie heute" und andere Zeitschriften verfaßt. Seit acht Jahren habe ich meine jahrzehntelange Nebentätigkeit ausgeweitet und bin nun hauptberuflich Lebensberater. Dies umfaßt die eigentlichen Beratungen, aber auch das Deuten von Horoskopen, Heilungen, Rituale, Hilfe bei Spukhäusern, magische Hilfe beim Verkauf von Grundstücken, Ausbildung in Meditation und Feng Shui und vieles mehr. Auf meiner website können Sie einen Teil meiner neueren Artikel lesen. Dort finden Sie auch einen ausführlichen Lebenslauf, aus dem meine Tätigkeiten detaillierter ersichtlich sind.


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