God and the Groceryman

Harold Bell Wright

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Beschreibung zu „God and the Groceryman“

Harold Bell Wright's novel "God and the Groceryman" is a thought-provoking exploration of faith and spirituality set in a small Midwestern town. The book follows the story of John Stockton, a humble grocer who faces various trials and tribulations that test his beliefs and morals. Wright's writing style is simple yet poignant, with vivid descriptions of the town's landscapes and deep philosophical insights. The novel's focus on the everyday struggles of ordinary people makes it a relatable and impactful read. With themes of redemption and the power of community, "God and the Groceryman" stands as a classic of early 20th-century American literature. Harold Bell Wright, a former minister turned author, drew inspiration from his own religious background and experiences to craft this compelling tale of faith and perseverance. His deep understanding of human nature and spirituality shines through in the characters and their struggles. Readers interested in thought-provoking narratives that delve into the complexities of belief and morality will find "God and the Groceryman" a captivating and enlightening read.


Good Press




ca. 239





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