Love: Nearness and Broken Hearts?


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Beschreibung zu „Love: Nearness and Broken Hearts?“

Alkuajatus "Love: Nearness and Broken Hearts" focuses on genuine love in such way that the reader can grow his understanding of love, spiritual nearness and the real reasons to broken hearts, and to grow his inner freedom regarding love.

This grows the understanding of future, present and past relationships.

The understanding relieves and sets one free when the understanding is real and not ready-made answers or believable explanations from others.

With the help of this book we observe what love actually is, and the goal is to understand and to see the matter with one's own eyes.

The book doesn't try to please and to be entertaining. It focuses on the observation of the matter, and each sentence in the book is of relevance to the reader.

We need functional answers to understand life and love. The functional answers are within us and they are possible to find with the help of Alkuajatus.

More about Alkuajatus at the home page

Über Hannu

Tämän kirjoittaja on kirjoittanut mm. kirjan "Alkuajatus - Elämän pieni käsikirja", joka on julkaistu kolmella kielellä. Tämän kirjan avulla voi selkeyttää sisintään tavalla, joka perustuu Alkuajatukseen ja se on oman sisäisen maailman tuntemusta. Alkuajatus on väline omien vastausten löytämiseen ja sisäisen rauhan löytämiseen.


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