My Brother and his Brother

A gay story about a brotherly love

Hakan Lindquist


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Beschreibung zu „My Brother and his Brother“

A novel about two brothers. The story is told by one of them, Jonas, an 18 year old boy. Throughout his teenage years he has been trying to get an image of Paul, the brother he never met; a brother who died at the age of 16, the year before Jonas himself was born. In his search for his brother, Jonas soon finds out that Paul had an intense love affair with another boy during the last year of his life. Step by Step Jonas reveals the secret love and life of his brother Paul. Lindquist convinces the reader with his beautiful language and a story that is touching and incredibly exciting at the same time. MY BROTHER AND HIS BROTHER received very good reviews when it first appeared in Sweden, and soon new editions followed as well as several translations. The novel has been published in Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Hungary, Iceland, France, Germany and Italy.

Über Hakan Lindquist

Hakan Lindquist wurde in Oskarshamn (Schweden) geboren, wo auch einige seiner Romane spielen. 1993 veröffentlichte er den Roman "Min bror och hans bror", der inzwischen in viele Sprachen übersetzt ist und im Deutschen unter dem Titel "Paul, mein großer Bruder" ein großer Erfolg wurde. 1996 folgte der Roman "Dröm att leva", der 2008 im Bruno Gmünder Verlag unter dem Titel "Ein Traum vom Leben" erschien, 2003 "Om att samla frimärken" (deutsch: "Der Briefmarkensammler, 2010 bei Bruno Gmünder).

Lindquist lebt in Stockholm und Berlin. Seine Werke sind in vielen Sprachen übersetzt worden.






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