A Cave King’s Road to Paradise: Climbing to the Top with My Almighty Mining Skills! (Manga) Volume 5

Hajime Naehara


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Beschreibung zu „A Cave King’s Road to Paradise: Climbing to the Top with My Almighty Mining Skills! (Manga) Volume 5“

After a period of respite and growth, it’s finally time to move forward. Camus and her crew set sail, aiming to fetch their families and find trade partners, but not before Camus voices her suspicions: The combination of , the miraculous minerals, and the ancient ruins is an astounding coincidence. Is it truly simple chance at play? Or did the king of Sanphales, knowing ’s true power, serve his own agenda by dispatching Heale to Sheol? There’s only one way to find out, and that’s to dig down—a specialty of the Sheol mining team by now. Together with his teammates, Heale ventures into the mysterious underground of Sheol Reef...and what awaits him are new encounters and shocking discoveries!


J-Novel Club







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