The Thing on the Doorstep

H.P. Lovecraft

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Beschreibung zu „The Thing on the Doorstep“

"The Thing on the Doorstep" is a story written by H. P. Lovecraft, part of the Cthulhu Mythos universe of horror fiction. Daniel Upton, the story's narrator, begins by telling that he has killed his best friend, Edward Derby, and that he hopes his account will prove that he is not a murderer. He begins by describing Derby's life and career. He then tells of Asenath Waite, and how Derby and she wed.A few years later, people start to notice a change in Derby's abilities. He confides in Upton, telling him strange stories of Asenath, and how he believes her father, Ephraim Waite, may not actually be dead.Upton is called to pick up Derby who has been found in Chesuncook, Maine, rambling incoherently. On the trip back, Derby tells of Asenath using his body, and suggests that it is in fact Ephraim who resides in the body of Asenath. Before finishing, he has a small seizure and rapidly changes personality, asking Upton to ignore what he might have just said.A few months later, Derby shows up at Upton's door and says he has found a way to keep Asenath away; to stop her from using his body. Derby finishes renovations on his old family house, yet seems strangely reluctant to leave Asenath's old place. Upton receives a visit from Derby, who begins raving about his wife and father-in-law. Upton gets him to sleep, but has Derby taken to Arkham Sanitarium. The Sanitarium calls Upton to tell him that Derby's "reason has suddenly come back", though upon visiting, Upton can see it is not the true personality of Edward Derby.Upton is roused from his sleep by a knocking at his door, using "Edward's old signal of three-and-two strokes". Upton believes it may be Derby, but opens his door to find a "dwarfed, humped" messenger, carrying a letter from Derby. The letter explains that Derby had in fact killed Asenath and buried her body in their cellar. Despite this, Asenath had managed to take control of his body while he was in the Sanitarium, meaning that "the thing on the doorstep" was actually Derby inhabiting Asenath's putrefying corpse. The note implores Upton to go to the sanitarium to kill Derby, who has been permanently possessed by Asenath-Ephraim's soul. Upton does so, thus hopefully banishing Asenath-Ephraim's soul to the hereafter, though he reveals that he is afraid of having his soul transferred as well.

Über H.P. Lovecraft

Howard Phillip Lovecraft (1890-1937) nació en Nueva Inglaterra, un paisaje que convirtió en escenario de ficción. Sus historias heredaron la tradición de cuentos de horror góticos y de autores como Edgar Allan Poe. Pero Lovecraft estableció sus propias normas. Prescindió de fantasmas y vampiros, para situar el horror en las entrañas del universo.
Sus primeros relatos aparecieron en revistas pulp como Weird Tales. La llamada de Cthulhu (1926), una deidad monstruosa que habita la Tierra, es la base de los mitos, que construyó a lo largo de su obra junto a los escritores del Círculo de Cthulhu. En su mundo, poblado de seres de otras dimensiones, las leyes de la humanidad carecen de valor. Pero el hombre es incapaz de comprender su insignificancia ante la magnitud del cosmos.
Joyce Carol Oates calificó de incalculable la influencia de Lovecraft. Sus creaciones han inspirado a escritores, dibujantes y músicos, y están presentes en el cine e incluso en juegos de rol. Para Stephen King no había otro creador de cuentos de horror del siglo XX que superara a H. P. Lovecraft, el hombre que llevó el género más allá de la fantasía y la ciencia ficción.

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