The Rats in the Walls

H.P. Lovecraft

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Beschreibung zu „The Rats in the Walls“

"The Rats in the Walls" is a story by American author H. P. Lovecraft. Narrated by the scion of the de la Poer family, who has moved from Massachusetts to his ancestral estate in England, known as Exham Priory, which had fallen into ruins. Much to the dismay of nearby residents, he restores the Priory while plainly showing ignorance of the horrific history of the place. After moving in, on several occasions, the protagonist and his cats, specifically his favorite cat, hear the eponymous rats scurrying behind the walls. Upon investigating further (and as revealed in repetitive dreams), he finds that his family had maintained an underground city for centuries; and that previous generations of his family fed on human flesh, even going so far as to raise generations of "human cattle," including some which had regressed to a quadrupedal state. In the end, the protagonist, unknowingly maddened by the revelations of his family's past and driven by the stronger force of his own heritage, attacks one of his friends in the dark of the cavernous city and begins eating him. He is subsequently subdued and locked in a mental institution. At least one other investigator, Thornton, has gone insane as well. Soon after, Exham Priory is destroyed. The protagonist of the story maintains his innocence, proclaiming that it was "the rats, the rats in the walls," who ate the man. The rats still persist, however, as he continues to be plagued by the sounds and sights of rats in the walls of his cell.

Über H.P. Lovecraft

Howard Phillip Lovecraft (1890-1937) nació en Nueva Inglaterra, un paisaje que convirtió en escenario de ficción. Sus historias heredaron la tradición de cuentos de horror góticos y de autores como Edgar Allan Poe. Pero Lovecraft estableció sus propias normas. Prescindió de fantasmas y vampiros, para situar el horror en las entrañas del universo.
Sus primeros relatos aparecieron en revistas pulp como Weird Tales. La llamada de Cthulhu (1926), una deidad monstruosa que habita la Tierra, es la base de los mitos, que construyó a lo largo de su obra junto a los escritores del Círculo de Cthulhu. En su mundo, poblado de seres de otras dimensiones, las leyes de la humanidad carecen de valor. Pero el hombre es incapaz de comprender su insignificancia ante la magnitud del cosmos.
Joyce Carol Oates calificó de incalculable la influencia de Lovecraft. Sus creaciones han inspirado a escritores, dibujantes y músicos, y están presentes en el cine e incluso en juegos de rol. Para Stephen King no había otro creador de cuentos de horror del siglo XX que superara a H. P. Lovecraft, el hombre que llevó el género más allá de la fantasía y la ciencia ficción.

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