The New World Order

H.G. Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The New World Order“

In H.G. Wells' groundbreaking work, 'The New World Order,' the author presents a compelling vision of a utopian society that is achieved through scientific and social progression. Written in Wells' signature style of science fiction combined with social commentary, this book explores themes of global governance, gender equality, and the abolishment of social classes. Set in a futuristic world where war and poverty are a thing of the past, Wells challenges readers to consider the possibilities and consequences of a world united under a single government. The narrative is both thought-provoking and visionary, inviting readers to question the existing social structures and imagine a better future. H.G. Wells, known for his pioneering works in the science fiction genre, brings his expertise in speculative fiction and social critique to 'The New World Order,' offering a unique perspective on the potential of human society. Drawing from his background in science and sociology, Wells provides a compelling argument for a new world order built on principles of equality and progress. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in futuristic societies, political philosophy, and the power of imagination.


Good Press




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