Ann Veronica (Unabridged)

A Feminist Classic

H. G. Wells

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Beschreibung zu „Ann Veronica (Unabridged)“

Ann Veronica is a New Woman novel, which describes the rebellion of Ann Veronica Stanley, "a young lady of nearly two-and-twenty," against her middle-class father's stern patriarchal rule. The novel dramatizes the contemporary problem of the New Woman. It is set in Victorian era London and environs, except for an Alpine excursion. Ann Veronica offers vignettes of the Women's suffrage movement in Great Britain and features a chapter inspired by the 1908 attempt of suffragettes to storm Parliament. Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), known as H. G. Wells, was a prolific English writer in many genres, including the novel, history, politics, and social commentary, and textbooks and rules for war games.

Über H. G. Wells

Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) wrote the science fiction classics The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and The War of the Worlds, and has often been heralded as a father of modern science fiction.


Musaicum Books




ca. 290





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