Far from the Maddening Girls

Guy Wetmore Carryl

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Beschreibung zu „Far from the Maddening Girls“

Guy Wetmore Carryl's 'Far from the Maddening Girls' is a delightful collection of satirical poems that cleverly parody classic literary works and societal constructs. Written in Carryl's signature humorous and light-hearted style, the poems explore themes of love, romance, and gender dynamics with a witty twist. This book is a humorous take on traditional poetry, making it accessible and enjoyable for readers of all backgrounds. Guy Wetmore Carryl, known for his wit and clever wordplay, was a prominent American humorist and poet of the late 19th century. His unique perspective and keen sense of humor are evident in 'Far from the Maddening Girls,' where he showcases his talent for poking fun at societal norms in a lighthearted manner. Carryl's social commentary is both insightful and entertaining, making his work a must-read for those who appreciate satire and wit. I highly recommend 'Far from the Maddening Girls' to readers who enjoy clever wordplay, satirical humor, and witty poetry. Carryl's unique voice and humorous perspective make this collection a delightful and entertaining read for anyone looking to be both amused and intellectually stimulated.


Good Press




ca. 88





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