Pierre and Jean

Guy de Maupassant

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Beschreibung zu „Pierre and Jean“

"Tschah!" exclaimed old Roland suddenly, after he had remained motionless for a quarter of an hour, his eyes fixed on the water, while now and again he very slightly lifted his line sunk in the sea. Mme. Roland, dozing in the stern by the side of Mme. Rosemilly, who had been invited to join the fishing-party, woke up, and turning her head to look at her husband, said: "Well, well! Gerome." And the old fellow replied in a fury: "They do not bite at all. I have taken nothing since noon. Only men should ever go fishing. Women always delay the start till it is too late." His two sons, Pierre and Jean, who each held a line twisted round his forefinger, one to port and one to starboard, both began to laugh, and Jean remarked: " You are not very polite to our guest, father." M. Roland was abashed, and apologized.

Über Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant, nació en 1850 en el castillo de Miromesnil, en el seno de una ennoblecida familia normanda. En 1880 publicó su cuento «Bola de sebo» en el volumen colectivo Las veladas de Médan, piedra fundacional del movimiento naturalista. Otros cuentos como los contenidos en La casa Tellier (1881) o Mademoiselle Fifi (1882) lo acreditaron como uno de los maestros del género, de modo que cuando en 1883 salió a la luz su primera novela, Una vida (1883; Alba), ya era un escritor famoso. A esta novela siguieron otras de la talla de Bel Ami (1885; Alba), Mont-Oriol (1887; Alba), Pierre y Jean (1888), Fuerte como la muerte (1889) y Nuestro corazón (1890; Alba). Murió en París en 1893.


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