Fifth State of the Union Address

Grover Cleveland

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Beschreibung zu „Fifth State of the Union Address“

Grover Cleveland's 'Fifth State of the Union Address' is a politically charged and thought-provoking speech delivered to Congress in 1887. The address addresses various national issues, including tariffs, trade policies, and budget concerns. Cleveland's eloquent and persuasive literary style reflects the political climate of the time, drawing readers in with its impassioned arguments and logical reasoning. The address serves as a significant historical document that sheds light on the challenges faced by the nation during Cleveland's presidency. Throughout the speech, Cleveland showcases his deep knowledge of policy-making and his unwavering dedication to the betterment of the country. The 'Fifth State of the Union Address' is a must-read for history buffs and political enthusiasts alike, offering valuable insights into the mindset of a pivotal figure in American politics.


Good Press




ca. 35





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