The Riot Act

Great Britain. Parliament

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Beschreibung zu „The Riot Act“

Published by the Great Britain Parliament, 'The Riot Act' is a seminal legal document that was passed in 1714 to address civil unrest and maintain law and order. The book presents the text of the Act itself, providing insight into the social and political context of the time. Written in a straightforward and authoritative style, the document captures the gravity of the situation and the measures taken to quell disturbances during that period. It serves as a valuable primary source for historians and legal scholars interested in the development of legal systems in Great Britain. Great Britain Parliament's decision to enact 'The Riot Act' was a response to the growing unrest and uprisings in the country at the time. The author's background as a legislative body underscores the importance of maintaining order and stability to ensure the functioning of society. The careful deliberation and drafting of the Act demonstrate the Parliament's commitment to upholding the rule of law. I highly recommend 'The Riot Act' to readers interested in legal history, political discourse, and social order. It provides a fascinating glimpse into the legal mechanisms employed to address civil unrest and offers valuable insights into the historical context of Great Britain in the 18th century.


Good Press




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