The British Barbarians

Grant Allen

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Beschreibung zu „The British Barbarians“

Grant Allen's novel 'The British Barbarians' is a satirical and thought-provoking work that criticizes the British society of the late 19th century. Through the lens of a fictional narrative, Allen explores themes of imperialism, civilization, and hypocrisy. The novel employs a witty and sarcastic tone, with subtle humor and sharp observations scattered throughout. 'The British Barbarians' is considered a seminal work of satirical fiction and is often compared to the works of Jane Austen and Oscar Wilde for its social commentary and biting wit. Grant Allen, a Canadian-born writer and scientist, was known for his progressive views and contributions to the development of the detective novel genre. His background as a biology professor and journalist likely influenced the scientific and analytical approach he took in critiquing societal norms in 'The British Barbarians'. I highly recommend 'The British Barbarians' to readers interested in Victorian literature, social satire, and British cultural history. Grant Allen's sharp wit and insightful commentary make this novel a captivating and thought-provoking read that continues to resonate with audiences today.


Good Press




ca. 107





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