King Lear's Wife; The Crier by Night; The Riding to Lithend; Midsummer-Eve; Laodice and Danaë

Gordon Bottomley

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Beschreibung zu „King Lear's Wife; The Crier by Night; The Riding to Lithend; Midsummer-Eve; Laodice and Danaë“

Gordon Bottomley's collection of poetic works titled 'King Lear's Wife; The Crier by Night; The Riding to Lithend; Midsummer-Eve; Laodice and Danaë' delves into complex themes of love, betrayal, and tragedy. Written in a lyrical and evocative style, Bottomley's poems draw inspiration from classical mythology and English folklore, offering a unique blend of the timeless and the contemporary. This collection reflects the author's deep engagement with the literary traditions of his time, showcasing both his technical skill and his emotional depth. Through vivid imagery and rich language, Bottomley transports the reader to a world where passion and despair intertwine with beauty and artistry. A must-read for lovers of poetry and those interested in exploring the intersection of myth and modernity in literature.


Good Press




ca. 141





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