Woodwind Quintet score "Semiramide"


Gioacchino Rossini a cura di Enrico Zullino Enrico Zullino

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Beschreibung zu „Woodwind Quintet score "Semiramide"“

The Woodwind Quintet arrangement of Gioacchino Rossini's "Semiramide" overture, expertly transcribed by Enrico Zullino, is designed for intermediate to advanced musicians, featuring parts for Flute, Oboe, B♭ Clarinet, Horn, and Bassoon. This arrangement spans approximately 11 minutes, capturing the essence and complexity of Rossini's operatic work.
Significantly, each instrument part, including alternative parts for ensemble flexibility, is available separately within the series. This allows musicians to focus on their individual roles or explore alternative configurations of the quintet, enhancing their technical and musical proficiency.
For those seeking to experience the full ensemble before tackling their parts, a QR code on the cover links to an audio demo at www.glissato.it (product code: EG0025), providing an auditory guide to the intricacies of the arrangement.
This comprehensive offering ensures that every musician has access to their specific part, facilitating focused practice sessions, ensemble coordination, and performance readiness, making this quintet arrangement a valuable addition to the repertoire of any woodwind ensemble.


Glissato Edizioni Musicali







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