The Club of Queer Trades

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

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Beschreibung zu „The Club of Queer Trades“

Gilbert Keith Chesterton's 'The Club of Queer Trades' is a collection of six interconnected stories that feature eccentric characters who belong to a mysterious club where they create unique and unusual professions for themselves. Chesterton's literary style is characterized by wit, humor, and clever wordplay, making each story a delightful read. The stories showcase Chesterton's mastery of the detective genre, with a focus on unconventional mysteries and quirky resolutions that keep readers engaged. Set in late Victorian London, the book provides a fascinating glimpse into the social customs and values of the time, while also challenging readers' perceptions of normalcy and conformity. Overall, 'The Club of Queer Trades' is a captivating and thought-provoking collection that will entertain and intrigue readers with its originality and humor.


Good Press




ca. 136





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