7 best short stories by Gertrude Stein

Gertrude Stein August Nemo


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Beschreibung zu „7 best short stories by Gertrude Stein“

Sherwood Anderson in his public introduction to Stein's 1922 publication of Geography and Plays wrote: "For me the work of Gertrude Stein consists in a rebuilding, an entirely new recasting of life, in the city of words. Here is one artist who has been able to accept ridicule, who has even forgone the privilege of writing the great American novel, uplifting our English speaking stage, and wearing the bays of the great poets to go live among the little housekeeping words, the swaggering bullying street-corner words, the honest working, money saving words and all the other forgotten and neglected citizens of the sacred and half forgotten city."
Check out this seven short stories by this author carefully selected by critic August Nemo:

- Ada.
- Miss furr and Miss Skeen.
- France.
- Americans.
- Italians.
- A Sweet Tail.
- In the Grass.


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