The Sisters-In-Law

A Novel of Our Time

Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton

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Beschreibung zu „The Sisters-In-Law“

Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton's novel 'The Sisters-In-Law' explores the intricate dynamics between two women who become sisters through marriage. Set in the late 19th century, the book delves into themes of family relationships, societal expectations, and personal ambitions, all written with Atherton's signature nuanced and psychologically insightful style. The novel is a testament to Atherton's keen observation of human behavior and her ability to craft complex characters in realistic settings within the American literary tradition. 'The Sisters-In-Law' showcases Atherton's skill in capturing the essence of human emotions and social mores of her time. Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton, a prominent American author, drew inspiration from her own life experiences and observations of the society around her to create 'The Sisters-In-Law'. As a feminist writer of her time, Atherton was known for her progressive views, which are reflected in the portrayal of the female characters in the novel. Her background and unique perspective likely influenced her choice to explore the intricacies of relationships between women in 'The Sisters-In-Law'. I highly recommend 'The Sisters-In-Law' to readers interested in character-driven narratives and insightful explorations of familial and societal expectations. Atherton's novel offers a compelling and thought-provoking read that continues to resonate with contemporary audiences.


Good Press




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