Disastrous Encounters

Anecdotes and Episodes from the humanitarian aid world

Gerhard Fischer

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Beschreibung zu „Disastrous Encounters“

This book is the English version of the 2019 published German book ' Katastrophenbegegnungen-Anekdoten und Episoden von der Helferfront', written by Gerhard Fischer and translated by himself.
In the framework of his assignments abroad for aid agencies he encountered many disasters in the past 20 years: Earthquake, Tsunami and armed conflicts. However, he also experienced many disastrous encounters, amongst others with employers, accommodation, artisans, bureaucracies as well as return from his assignments.
Besides his work he reports on those recurrent aspects in ten chapters. Especially, the funny, bizarre as well as dramatic anecdotes and episodes are presented authentically and with great humour: in Serbia a day was stamped in his passport, which does not exist. Further, he experienced twice a rain of money in the truest sense of the word and witnessed a historical event. A craftsman appeared in Kosovo without any tools. In Sri Lanka a troop of monkeys harassed him and in Ingushetia a supposedly relaxed evening developed to a real attack of Chechen rebels. And much more.


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