Stone Art

Gerard Fowke

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Beschreibung zu „Stone Art“

Gerard Fowke's 'Stone Art' delves into the intricate world of ancient petroglyphs and their significance in the broader context of Native American culture. Fowke's meticulous research and attention to detail bring to life the various artistic representations found on stones across the American landscape, shedding light on the spiritual and historical importance of these ancient artworks. Written in a scholarly yet engaging style, 'Stone Art' appeals to readers interested in archaeology, anthropology, and indigenous cultures. Fowke's exploration of the symbols and motifs depicted in these petroglyphs offers a fascinating glimpse into the belief systems and narratives of the Native American tribes who created them. The book not only serves as a valuable resource for scholars and researchers but also as an accessible introduction to the rich cultural heritage preserved in these ancient stone carvings.


Good Press




ca. 130





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