"Brother Bosch", an Airman's Escape from Germany

Gerald Featherstone Knight

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Beschreibung zu „"Brother Bosch", an Airman's Escape from Germany“

Gerald Featherstone Knight's 'Brother Bosch', an Airman's Escape from Germany, is a gripping memoir that vividly recounts the daring escape of an RAF pilot during World War II. Knight's writing style is concise yet poignant, as he meticulously narrates the harrowing experiences of evading capture and navigating through enemy territory. The book provides a unique firsthand account of the challenges faced by Allied airmen behind enemy lines, offering valuable insight into the lives of wartime prisoners of war. Knight's attention to detail and vivid descriptions immerse the reader in the tension and danger of wartime Europe. 'Brother Bosch' is not just a thrilling escape story, but a testament to the strength and resilience of individuals in the face of adversity. Gerald Featherstone Knight's background as a decorated RAF pilot himself lends authenticity and depth to the narrative, making it a compelling and valuable historical account. I highly recommend 'Brother Bosch' to readers interested in real-life wartime adventures and stories of courage and survival.


Good Press




ca. 113





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